Monthly Archives: May 2015


Bring Mindfulness to Your Weight-loss Efforts Do you have a love-hate relationship with your body image? Do you “live to eat” rather than “eat to live”? Are you disgusted with your lack of willpower to avoid the foods you know will put on the weight, mess with your energy levels and provide less than optimal […]

Categories: Uncategorized

A Hypnosis Primer, Part I

Hypnosis isn’t a new technique…in fact, research finds evidence of hypnosis as far back as Egyptian dream temples. At the same time, it is as modern as today’s most innovative tools and practices. And yet, despite this long association with humankind’s history, many misunderstandings and myths surround it. Let’s examine these perceptions one at a […]

Categories: Hypnosis

This ‘Magic Bullet’ Reduces Stress Fast

Stress. Anxiety. Stress and anxiety. By now, we all recognize the toll stress and anxiety can take on our quality of life, blocking us from leading the life we deserve. Trouble falling asleep or sleeping through the night, frequent intestinal upsets with no underlying medical cause, inability to remain focused and effective through the completion of a task at […]

Categories: Uncategorized

Is It Time to Review Your Habits?

Well, that sounds a bit daunting. After all, some of our habits are sure to be “bad.” Seriously, who wants to jump into that? Don’t we have to get to a meeting or take the car to be serviced? Oh, right – procrastination. Everyone has habits and not all of them can be detrimental, so first […]

Categories: Uncategorized