Monthly Archives: January 2012

Stress have down?

It can be hard to regain your footing after a hectic holiday season. Some people find themselves behind in their work. This leads to these people stressing out but not all stress is bad and it can motivate, allow for better focus, and make some stronger. However, too much stress is a bad thing. People […]

Categories: Uncategorized

Group Hypnosis vs. Individual Hypnosis

With the year in full swing deciding what ways you will continue to be successful with your resolutions is going to be key. If you have not already, put together your plan! In this plan write down your path to success. Hypnosis can be a great way to be successful with changing a habit or […]

Categories: Uncategorized

Group Hypnosis vs. Individual Hypnosis

With the year in full swing deciding what ways you will continue to be successful with your resolutions is going to be key. If you have not already, put together your plan! In this plan write down your path to success. Hypnosis can be a great way to be successful with changing a habit or […]

Categories: Uncategorized