Monthly Archives: June 2013

Have an exercise problem? Solve it!

Stop trying to convince yourself not to exercise! Whether it is that we are too tired or we do not have time, people are always trying to find an excuse to not exercise. This summer, make a change!  Here PBS along with Next Avenue suggests what to do when hectic schedules, aches, and missed meals […]

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No More Excuses, Just Quitting!

Let’s be honest, quitting smoking can be very hard. However, quitting smoking is not impossible.  It just takes a little work. One thing is for sure, we must remain positive and be determined to get the results we want. The American Cancer Society outlines some factors and tips that show you how to quit and remain smoke-free. […]

Categories: Uncategorized

How to Live a Stress-Free Summer

When thinking of summertime, we tend to think of the beach, happy children, flip flops, and living a more relaxed lifestyle in the months of June through August. We have movies and songs to thank for putting these ideas into our heads about the ability to live a full carefree summer, BUT… can any of […]

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