• Stay Calm with Stress-Fighting Foods •

Stay Calm with Stress-Fighting Foods

We’ve all heard stories about how extreme amounts of stress can often lead to emotional overeating. Anxiety and tension trigger cravings for fatty, sugar-laden foods, and many succumb to the myth that “just one more” cookie, French fry, or candy bar will grant us the relief that we seek. Although binging on snacks and sweets is not the answer to anxiety, your food choices can be a helpful tool in relaxing your mind. Instead of letting stress control your eating habits, why not let your eating habits control your stress? Plenty of nutrient-rich foods have proven their stress-fighting properties and many of them can already be found in your kitchen. Complex carbohydrates, such as whole-grain bread products and oatmeal, are excellent choices due to their high fiber content. Foods loaded with fiber take longer to digest and promote the production of serotonin, the body’s “feel-good” chemical. To keep stress hormones and cortisol levels from spiking, reach for fishes high in omega-3 fatty acids, like salmon and tuna, and magnesium-rich spinach (or other leafy greens). In addition to a nutritious breakfast, sip on a glass of OJ or nosh on orange for a generous dose of Vitamin C, which boosts the immune system and regulates stress levels. Try swapping your usual mid-day salty snack for a handful of almonds, bursting with Vitamin B, which combats stress, and Vitamin E, which is shown to fight free radicals. In the mood for chips and dip instead? Dig into a bowl of guacamole! The potassium and monounsaturated fat in avocados will aid in lowering blood pressure while satisfying your need for something creamy. Incorporating any of these food choices into your diet can make a difference in the stress levels of everyday life. Next time you feel the need to overindulge, remember that these superfoods are a healthy way of fighting stress.