• New Year’s Resolutions…Make Ones that You Can Actually Keep! •

New Year’s Resolutions…Make Ones that You Can Actually Keep!

During the New Year, we make all sorts of resolutions and promises to family and friends. However, many of us fall short in keeping the resolution and achieving the goals we set for ourselves. According to statisticbrain.com, the percent of people who are successful in achieving their resolution(s) is 8%, while the percent of people who absolutely never make their New Year’s resolution(s) is 38%. The numbers speak for themselves, that very few are able to stick out their resolutions and actually achieve their goal, while more of us fall into the absolutely never achieve our goal category.

The success of achieving your goals is twofold: one, make ‘SMART’ Goals, and two, use professional help. A ‘SMART’ Goal is Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-Bound; also if you write down your goals they are more likely to be achieved. Second, when people consult with professionals who are knowledgeable in desired areas people can confidently believe and achieve whatever their heart desires. Say you want to lose weight in the New Year; some of us can write it down and try to change our eating habits, but if no one holds us accountable we tend to get tired of trying, or discouraged when we don’t see immediate results and we give up. Give up no more because here at quititnow.com we help you achieve your New Year’s Resolutions pertaining to health and wellness. Once you make your resolution ensure that you keep it by contacting quititnow.com for more information.

Warm Wishes,
Dr. Rosenberg