• Fall is here and so is the weather. Rejuvenate yourself with yoga. •

Fall is here and so is the weather. Rejuvenate yourself with yoga.

The fall season has always felt like a better opportunity for a fresh start than the New Year. First of all, we arrive at autumn from summer, which is typically a more relaxed precursor than the holiday season. Second, there’s something about the crisp cool air, the cozy clothing, the warm apple cider and pumpkins that evokes a new kind of freshness. It’s a great time to make some changes and clear your head. What is a better way to clear your head then with some relaxing yoga?

As we head into Fall and Winter, however, and slowing down becomes a likely trend, the more heating postures like backbends and twists can serve us well, especially as we start to consume more and to eat heavier foods. So as the days get shorter and colder and the desire to curl up on the couch with a bowl of soup seems more and more compelling, of course, DO SO. But also make sure that you spend 20 minutes doing some sun salutes. And if you have the time and the inclination, get to a class or put in a DVD and also do some of the more energizing poses. These stimulating postures (backbends, twists, standing poses and many inversions) will keep you lively as the urge to hibernate gets stronger, so that you balance the nesting that accompanies the cold weather with poses that create heat and vitality.

With the beauty and color of the Fall, yoga can help us manage cold and flu season through some simple daily tips you can easily integrate into your life. And remember, as we continue along the path of yoga practice, we begin to be able to refine our ability to modify our lifestyle towards seasonal changes. Fall is a time where vata (air and space) easily gets out of balance. Vata (lack of water and warmth) causes our skin to get dry, our minds to become more sporadic, and our bodies more prone to the typical imbalances of seasonal change, such as colds and flu.

If we are able to balance vata in the Fall, we will find that we can access some of the many positive aspects of the season. Vata is related to circulation, communication, enthusiasm, joy and creativity. Use this time to tap into pursuits that engage your mental activity, sensory perception, and clarity of purpose.